Best solution for one axis solar tracker control
An innovative solution ensuring real-time control and monitoring of all Trackers present on a photovoltaic power plant.
Plug Track allows a constant watch on your fleet of trackers.
A new tool never before offered making you autonomous from installation to operation. Its degree of innovation allows for a significant reduction in commissioning and maintenance costs.

Tracker Controler (TC)
Drives motor to put the tracker in the optimal angle. This controller gives many details about tracker operation.
is an android application created to simplify manual intervention on Tracker Controller for Maintenance or installation.
Main Controler (MC)
Manage one inverter area of TC. It will monitor weather to send TC in safety position, manage communication network, and read or write data for each TC. Up to 400 TC can be managed by 1 MC.
is a web interface hosted locally by each Main Controller. With this interface, you can monitor, configure and control each tracker.
About us

Track Co is a startup from the EIA Group comprising a design office of 7 engineers and 3 electronic card production companies, in total it is a team of around fifty electronics professionals

About group EIA

The production and integration of controller trackers is entrusted to EIA Grenoble, an ISO9001 certified site, which shares with us the same quality requirements necessary for the assembly of reliable electronic assemblies.
During production, all electronic boards are checked and benefit from the best technologies in terms of assembly and control.
To guarantee the traceability of each element, during the various tests, all the results are saved in a database.
Our Team